Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 409'0 417'0 408'2 416'4 7'0 416'4s 03:08P Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 422'2 429'6 421'6 429'4 6'0 429'2s 03:10P Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 429'6 437'0 429'0 436'6 6'2 436'6s 02:46P Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 3184 3202 3153 3178 - 6 3177s 02:31P Chart for @SM4Z Options for @SM4Z
Jan 25 3151 3172 3120 3149 - 2 3148s 02:47P Chart for @SM5F Options for @SM5F
Mar 25 3154 3168 3117 3147 - 3 3144s 02:31P Chart for @SM5H Options for @SM5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 980'4 997'0 976'6 992'2 10'6 991'6s 03:01P Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Jan 25 989'0 1003'6 986'6 1001'2 10'6 1000'4s 03:11P Chart for @S5F Options for @S5F
Mar 25 1002'0 1015'6 999'2 1013'4 10'4 1012'4s 03:05P Chart for @S5H Options for @S5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 574'0 578'6 565'6 576'0 3'6 576'0s 01:30P Chart for @W4Z Options for @W4Z
Mar 25 593'2 598'2 586'4 596'0 4'0 596'2s 02:30P Chart for @W5H Options for @W5H
My Custom Markets
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DTN Ag Headline News
Close Senate Races Highlight Ag Policy
USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report
Breaking Down CRP Acreage, Rental Rates
Savvy Seed Decisions - 4
Top 5 Things to Watch
View From the Cab
What Farms Need to Know About BOI
Savvy Seed Decisions - 3
Deere Repair Investigation Confirmed

DTN Ag Headline News
Close Senate Races Highlight Ag Policy
USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report
Breaking Down CRP Acreage, Rental Rates
Savvy Seed Decisions - 4
Top 5 Things to Watch
View From the Cab
What Farms Need to Know About BOI
Savvy Seed Decisions - 3
Deere Repair Investigation Confirmed

DTN Market News
2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
DTN Early Word Grains 10/22 05:51
DTN Midday Grain Comments 10/22 10:55
DTN Closing Grain Comments 10/22 13:44
DTN Cattle Prices/Trends 10/22 14:20
DTN Early Word Livestock Comments 10/22 06:18
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 10/22 11:46
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/21 15:51
DTN Chart Technical Points 10/21 16:30
US Direct Feeder Pigs


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Rheems, PA
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High: 80°F
Low: 52°F
Precip: 0%
High: 76°F
Low: 51°F
Precip: 0%
High: 61°F
Low: 46°F
Precip: 0%
High: 64°F
Low: 38°F
Precip: 0%
High: 63°F
Low: 49°F
Precip: 35%
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Local Conditions
Rheems, PA
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 79oF Feels Like: 79oF
Humid: 38% Dew Pt: 51oF
Barom: 30.15 Wind Dir: S
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 3 mph
Sunrise: 7:25 Sunset: 6:16
As reported at Farm Market, PA at 4:00 PM
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